How do I determine whether the program was built as 32 bit or 64 bit in Go?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-19 08:52:07


The closest I can get is runtime.GOARCH, but that might also give arm, which could be either 32 or 64 bit.

I only care how this program was built, not whether the OS also supports 64-bit executables. e.g. for ARM mode on an AArch64 CPU or 32-bit compat mode on an x86-64 CPU, I still want 32 because that's the mode this program is running in.

Related: Detect OS x86 or x64, when compiled as x86 in GO is about detecting what the OS supports, e.g. for maybe running a differently-compiled executable.


Use GOARCH for arm: arm (ARM) and arm64 (AArch64),

Optional environment variables


The name of the target operating system and compilation architecture. These default to the values of $GOHOSTOS and $GOHOSTARCH respectively (described below).

Choices for $GOOS are

darwin    386
darwin    amd64
darwin    arm
darwin    arm64
dragonfly     amd64
freebsd   386
freebsd   amd64
freebsd   arm
linux     386
linux     amd64
linux     arm
linux     arm64
linux     ppc64
linux     ppc64le
linux     mips64
linux     mips64le
netbsd    386
netbsd    amd64
netbsd    arm
openbsd   386
openbsd   amd64
openbsd   arm
plan9     386
plan9     amd64
solaris   amd64
windows   386
windows   amd64


const is64Bit = uint64(^uintptr(0)) == ^uint64(0)

This works because if uintptr is 32 bits, ^uintptr(0) will be 0xffffffff rather than 0xffffffffffffffff.

^uint64(0) will always be 0xffffffffffffffff regardless of 32 or 64 bit architectures.

