How to create a variable that persists over tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate evaluation steps?

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-19 08:38:24


TLDR: How to create a variable that holds the confusion matrix used for computing custom metrics, accumulating the values across all of the evaluation steps?

I have implemented custom metrics to use in the tf.estimator.train_and_evaluation pipeline, with a confusion matrix as the crux for them all. My goal is to make this confusion matrix persist over multiple evaluation steps in order to track the learning progress.

Using get_variable in the variable scope did not work, since it does not save the variable to the checkpoint (or so it seems).

This does not work:

    def confusion_matrix(self):
        with tf.variable_scope(
            f"{}-{self.metric_type}", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE
            confusion_matrix = tf.get_variable(
                    [self.n_classes, self.n_classes],
        return confusion_matrix

Just saving the matrix as a class attribute works, but it obviously does not persist over multple steps:

        self.confusion_matrix = tf.zeros(
            [self.n_classes, self.n_classes],

You can look at the full example here.

I expect to have this confusion matrix persist from end to finish during evaluation, but I do not need to have it in the final SavedModel. Could you please tell me how I can achieve this? Do I need to just save the matrix to an external file, or there is a better way?


You can define a custom metric:

def confusion_matrix(labels, predictions):
    matrix = ... # confusion matrix calculation
    mean, update_op = tf.metrics.mean_tensor(matrix)
    # do something with mean if needed
    return {'confusion_matrix': (mean, udpate_op)}

and then add it to your estimator:

estimator = tf.estimator.add_metrics(estimator, confusion_matrix)

if you need sum instead of meen you can take insight from tf.metrics.mean_tensor implementation

