Importing NSubstitute into Unity project

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-19 08:21:57


I'm trying to use NSubstitute in my Unity project (Unity version 2019.2.2f1). No matter how to import it, my IDE, both Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider, would give an error when I try using NSubstitute saying NSubstitute is undefined.

I have tried many options and versions of NSubstitute packages (4.2.1 and 2.0.3). I also import the dll file from net35 folder of the package into a Plugins folder in my Unity project. I also tried to install the same version of NSubstitute using Nuget in the IDE.


I was able to make the 2.0.3 version work with Unity. The newer versions have additional dependencies which I could not make work in Unity, so it seems for now we're stuck with 2.0.3. So here is how I did it:

  • Download 2.0.3 from the NuGet Website.
  • Unzip the file and move the lib/net35/NSubstitude.dll into the Plugins folder of your project.
  • In your test assembly definition, don't forget to reference it, otherwise it will not be found.

When you now reopen the project in Rider it should be found. Sometimes Unity acts up a little and doesn't seem to find the DLL. In this case re-importing the project can help.


I has added NSubstitute 4.2.1 (netstandard 2.0) in a Unity project, but I needed to include more 3 dependences to work:

  1. system.threading.tasks.extensions.4.5.3
  2. system.runtime.compilerservices.unsafe.4.6.0
  3. castle.core.4.4.0

