How filter array of objects by another array of objects [ES6]

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-19 04:22:34


I need to filter array of object by another array of object without knowledge of exact properties in criterias array. Let's take a look to example for better understanding.

Here is an array that I need to filter

const dataset = [
  id: "4",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "10",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "22",
  someval1: "102",
  someval2: "202",
  someval3: "302",
  someval4: "40"

Here is an array which has values that are supposed to be filter condition for first array

const criterias = [{ someval1: "10" }, { someval3: "30" }, { someval4: "40" }];

So whenever object in dataset contains all values from criterias I want to keep him. Problem is that I want objects in dataset to be filtered by all criterias that are equal.

So far I was able to get this script which filters dataset correctly but only by one criteria. So from given arrays after filtering I should get only first two objects from dataset, third one does not meat all criterias.

Here is my current script

const dataset = [
  id: "4",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "10",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "22",
  someval1: "102",
  someval2: "202",
  someval3: "302",
  someval4: "40"

const criterias = [{ someval1: "10" }, { someval3: "30" }, { someval4: "40" }];

const filter = dataset.filter(item => criterias.some(criteria => Object.keys(criteria).some(prop => item[prop] != criteria[prop])));


Thanks for all suggestions in advance.


You could get the entries of the condensed object and use Array#every and check the properties with the values.

var dataset = [{ id: "4", someval1: "10", someval2: "20", someval3: "30", someval4: "40" }, { id: "10", someval1: "10", someval2: "20", someval3: "30", someval4: "40" }, { id: "22", someval1: "102", someval2: "202", someval3: "302", someval4: "40" }],
    criterias = [{ someval1: "10" }, { someval3: "30" }, { someval4: "40" }],
    filters = Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...criterias)),
    result = dataset.filter(o => filters.every(([k, v]) => o[k] === v));

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You can use Array.filter() and Array.every():

  1. Array.filter() will filter the matched object and put those in a new array.
  2. Array.every() will be used for checking that every object in criterias array satisfies the object of dataset. Since there could be any name for the object key in object of criterias array, you can use Object.keys()[0] to get that particular key as you only have one key in each object of criterias array.

const dataset = [{
    id: "4",
    someval1: "10",
    someval2: "20",
    someval3: "30",
    someval4: "40"
    id: "10",
    someval1: "10",
    someval2: "20",
    someval3: "30",
    someval4: "40"
    id: "22",
    someval1: "102",
    someval2: "202",
    someval3: "302",
    someval4: "40"

const criterias = [{
  someval1: "10"
}, {
  someval3: "30"
}, {
  someval4: "40"

let result = dataset.filter((datasetObj) => criterias.every((criteria) => criteria[Object.keys(criteria)[0]] === datasetObj[Object.keys(criteria)[0]]));


You need to use Array.prototype.every for the criterias array to check and validate all the criteria objects to the item in the dataset:

   var dataset = [
  id: "4",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "10",
  someval1: "10",
  someval2: "20",
  someval3: "30",
  someval4: "40"
  id: "22",
  someval1: "102",
  someval2: "202",
  someval3: "302",
  someval4: "40"

var criterias = [{ someval1: "10" }, { someval3: "30" }, { someval4: "40" }];
var res = dataset.filter(item => 
        criterias.every(criteria => 
          Object.keys(criteria).every(prop => 
            item[prop] == criteria[prop])));

