Integrated terminal in visual studio code is opening externally and not internally

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-19 01:52:05


I have reinstalled Visual Studio Code and for some reason, when I do the Ctrl+Shift+` shortcut, instead of opening a terminal window inside VS Code, it's opening an external command window, which is very annoying.

Anyone knows what setting it is to get it back internally?

I tried File->Preferences->Settings->Terminal and then set the first option "Customizes what kind of terminal to launch." to integrated.

Is there any other setting I need to set?


Happened the same with me. It was because I was using Legacy Console. To disable that, open any of your terminal (cmd or powershell) and right click to go to properties. Properties -> Options -> Use Legacy console (tick it off).


Found this:

Which is listed as a duplicate but someone was also kind enough to link to this: How do I get around the verified bug in Windows 1903 and launch the VSCode integrated terminal?

Which has a workaround as an answer, yay!


Turn off ConPTY integration in the

File->Preferences->Settings->conPTY->Uncheck it

This is worked for me as mentioned here:


Here's some things you can check:

  1. Make sure you've set integrated on both the User and the Workspace settings, because the Workspace settings can override the User settings.

  2. Make sure you are using the correct keyboard shortcut. VS Code actually has a shortcut for opening the system's native console, which will open an external window:

    Make sure that your Ctrl+Shift+` is actually the shortcut for Create New Integrated Terminal:

