for/continue in scheme/lisp

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-19 01:14:03


I'm writing a small interpreter for a C-like language in Scheme (R5RS) and trying to convert something like:

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    if (isprime(i)) continue;
    else /* do something with i */

to valid Scheme (the isprime function is just an example and not important).

However, after trying for some time, I have not been able to find an efficient/simple way to add the equivalent of a continue statement to a do loop in Scheme. What would be even better would be a "for" macro which allows "continue" and "break" to be used.

I'm considering switching to Common Lisp. Would this sort of thing be any easier in CL?


We can write FOR as a macro. The Common Lisp version:

(defmacro for ((var start end) &body body)
  (let ((block-name (gensym "BLOCK")))
    `(loop for ,var from ,start below ,end
           do (block ,block-name
                (flet ((continue ()
                         (return-from ,block-name)))

CL-USER 2 > (for (i 10 20)
              (if (evenp i) (continue))
              (print i))



CL's tagbody is a convenient target:

(let (i)
     (setf i 0)
     (if (isprime i)
         (go increment))
     (do-something-with i)
     (setf i (1+ i))
     (if (< i 100)
         (go body))))


I'd go for continuations like in this pseudo-scheme example.

Just store the current point of execution in a continuation and call it when appropriate.

(call/cc (lambda break ; jump outside the for
  (for 0 100 (lambda i 
    (call/cc (lambda continue ; jump to the next iteration
      (if (isprime i)


The straightforward Scheme way to achieve this is just to restructure your code:

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    if (isprime(i)) continue;
    if (is_bad(i)) break;
    else /* do something with i */


(let loop ((i 0))
     ((isprime i)       ;; continue the loop
         (loop (+ i 1))) 
     ((is_bad i)
         #f)            ;; break from the loop
     (else              ;; do something with i
         .......        ;; and then continue the loop
         (loop (+ i 1)))))

If your loop body is tangled and you want to (continue) or (break) from deep inside its nested structure, either have your compiler restructure it in the above way, or you could set up exit points with call/cc as e.g.

(call/cc (lambda (break)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (call/cc (lambda (continue)
        ;; your loop logic here, 
        ;; potentially using
        ;;    (continue A)     ;; A is ignored
        ;; or
        ;;    (break B)        ;; B is immediately returned as
        ;;                     ;;   the overall loop's result
    ;; (continue _) continues here:
    (loop (+ i 1)))))

Racket has delimited continuations which should be more efficient.


To implement this particular code sample in Scheme, you don't need continue, break or call/cc:

(let loop ((i 0))
  (when (< i 100)
      (if (prime? i)
          (loop (add1 i)))


I think Vijay's answer can be extended in a way that works (sorry for answering my own question, but can't figure out how to format code in a comment):

(let loop ((i 0))
    (define (next)
      (loop (+ i 1)))
      (lambda (break)
        (if (< i 100)
           (if (isprime i)
               (if (isbad i)
                 (break break))

It's not a macro, but doubtlessly leads to one that's general enough. I'd be interested to see any improvements. I'm pretty new to Scheme.


I know this is 8 years late, but I thought it might help someone.

Using the iterate construct in Common Lisp, you could use the next-iteration clause:

(iter (for i from 0 to 100) 
  (if (isprime i)


You can use throw and catch as well (elisp):

(let ((j 0))
  (while (< j 10)
    (catch 'continue
      (setq j (1+ j))
      (if (= j 3) (throw 'continue t))
      (prin1 j))))

