How can I get a rails route to keep the extension as part of the id?

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-18 22:04:23


I have the following route defined:

map.resources :images, :only => [ :index, :new, :destroy ]

when I do a rake routes I get the following:

image DELETE /images/:id(.:format) {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"images"}

My problem is, I would like to use file names as my :id including any extension. At the moment my ids are getting to the controller minus the extension. Is there any way I can customize the above map.resources to generate the following path:

image DELETE /images/:id {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"images"}

i.e. not have the extension used as :format?


The . character is defined in ActionController::Routing::SEPARATORS, which lists special characters to split the URL on.

If you want to avoid splitting the URL at .s, you need to pass a :constraints => { :id => /regexp/ } argument to map.resources.

See my related question and answer for more info.


I couldn't figure out how to pass the id intact to the controller but this is the work around I used to reconstruct the id:

id = [ params['id'], params['format'] ].compact.join '.'

