Passing C# variable using MVC/Razor for use with Dygraph

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-18 19:47:55


So here is my problem, and I'm sure it's something very simple. I'm relatively new to Web Development and I'm running into a little problem that I just can't figure out.

I have this code in an MVC view. . .

var data = "";
var count = 1;
foreach (var item in ViewModel.Data)
    data += count.ToString() + "," + item.Reading.ToString() + "\n";


I want to pass this 'data' variable to a very tiny script in order to create a graph using Dygraph. This is what I currently have, and believe should work, it doesn't though.

<script type="text/javascript">
g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("readingGraph"), @data,{ labels: ["Sample Number", "Reading"] });

I know the script itself will work. If I hard-code some CSV values into a string where @data is, the graph pops up and everything is fine. With the @data there, the graph doesn't load and the script won't run at all (I placed an alert('hi') in there to see if it would pop-up, it didn't).

In addition, I know the string is being 'built' correctly because I have set break points in Visual Studio and checked.

Any help at all would be great guys. Thanks in advance.


Mixing javascript and Razor requires that you surround your Razor call with any code block

@{ ... } or @if(condition){}, etc.

and putting the code itself in an escaped sequence

@: or the <text> tag.

So, knowing this, you can do something like

    var jsData = '';
            jsData = '@data';

     g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("readingGraph"), jsData,{ labels: ["Sample Number", "Reading"] });


Check out Mix Razor and Javascript code and Using Razor within JavaScript


I found the issue. A JS literal string cannot span multiple lines (which is how I was feeding it information via the C# created 'data' variable).

I had to add an '@' in the C# code in order to turn it into a string literal. . .

foreach (var item in CompletePreview.BatteryData)
    data += count.ToString() + "," + item.Voltage + @"\n"; //note the new @ in front of "\n"

The script had to be altered to replace the literal '\n' with one that would break it up in JS.

g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("voltGraph"), jsgraphData.replace('\n','\n'), { labels: ["Sample Number", "Voltage"] });
alert('graphs should follow');

Thanks everybody for the help. I appreciate it greatly.

