what is the best way of doing a remote development using PyCharm community version

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-18 18:47:29


PyCharm Professional has a nice feature of remote development -- developing codes on your local machine and running them on a remote server. Without PyCharm Professional, what would be a good way of mimicking this feature? I really like PyCharm so I won't give up for another IDE. I used to package the codes into an egg file and sftp it to a remove server but this is cumbersome, since I have to make the setup files, etc.

Thanks in advance for your suggestion.


use winscp to keep your remote directory in sync

install ssh

add external tool of "run remote" (I assume this is available)

ssh user@remote.com -t "cd /path/to/proj && python myproj.py"

if you have ssh keys setup it should just work ... if not you will probably be prompted for a password

