Download multiple files concurrently from FTP using FluentFTP with a maximum value

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-18 17:36:30


I would like to download multiple download files recursively from a FTP Directory, to do this I'm using FluentFTP library and my code is this one:

private async Task downloadRecursively(string src, string dest, FtpClient ftp)

    foreach(var item in ftp.GetListing(src))
        if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory)
            if (item.Size != 0)
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(dest, item.Name));
                downloadRecursively(Path.Combine(src, item.Name), Path.Combine(dest, item.Name), ftp);
        else if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File)
            await ftp.DownloadFileAsync(Path.Combine(dest, item.Name), Path.Combine(src, item.Name));

I know you need one FtpClient per download you want, but how can I make to use a certain number of connections as maximum, I guess that the idea is to create, connect, download and close per every file I find but just having a X number of downloading files at the same time. Also I'm not sure if I should create Task with async, Threads and my biggest problem, how to implement all of this.

Answer from @Bradley here seems pretty good, but the question does read every file thas has to download from an external file and it doesn't have a maximum concurrent download value so I'm not sure how to apply these both requirements.



  • ConcurrentBag class to implement a connection pool;
  • Parallel class to parallelize the operation;
  • ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism to limit number of the concurrent threads.
var clients = new ConcurrentBag<FtpClient>();

var opts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxConnections };
Parallel.ForEach(files, opts, file =>
    file = Path.GetFileName(file);

    string thread = $"Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}";
    if (!clients.TryTake(out var client))
        Console.WriteLine($"{thread} Opening connection...");
        client = new FtpClient(host, user, pass);
        Console.WriteLine($"{thread} Opened connection {client.GetHashCode()}.");

    string remotePath = sourcePath + "/" + file;
    string localPath = Path.Combine(destPath, file);
    string desc =
        $"{thread}, Connection {client.GetHashCode()}, " +
        $"File {remotePath} => {localPath}";
    Console.WriteLine($"{desc} - Starting...");
    client.DownloadFile(localPath, remotePath);
    Console.WriteLine($"{desc} - Done.");


Console.WriteLine($"Closing {clients.Count} connections");
foreach (var client in clients)
    Console.WriteLine($"Closing connection {client.GetHashCode()}");

Another approach is to start a fixed number of threads with one connection for each and have them pick files from a queue.

For an example of an implementation, see my article for WinSCP .NET assembly:
Automating transfers in parallel connections over SFTP/FTP protocol


I'd split this into three parts.

  1. Recursively build a list of source and destination pairs.
  2. Create the directories required.
  3. Concurrently download the files.

It's the last part that is slow and should be done in parallel.

Here's the code:

private async Task DownloadRecursively(string src, string dest, FtpClient ftp)
    /* 1 */
    IEnumerable<(string source, string destination)> Recurse(string s, string d)
        foreach (var item in ftp.GetListing(s))
            if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory)
                if (item.Size != 0)
                    foreach(var pair in Recurse(Path.Combine(s, item.Name), Path.Combine(d, item.Name)))
                        yield return pair;
            else if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File)
                yield return (Path.Combine(s, item.Name), Path.Combine(d, item.Name));

    var pairs = Recurse(src, dest).ToArray();
    /* 2 */
    foreach (var d in pairs.Select(x => x.destination).Distinct())

    /* 3 */
    var downloads =
            .Select(x => ftp.DownloadFileAsync(x.source, x.destination))
    await Task.WhenAll(downloads);

It should be clean, neat, and easy to reason about code.

