Pushing an object with unique_ptr into vector in C++

可紊 提交于 2021-02-18 10:40:09


I have a simple class structure modelling a discrete simulation, with a vector of States, which each contain a number of Transitions, held as a vector of smart pointers. I've used smart pointers to hold the transitions as in my full application I need polymorphism.

#include <vector>
#include <memory>

class Transition {
        Transition() {}

class State {
        State(int num) : num(num), transitions() {}
        void add_transition(std::unique_ptr<Transition> trans) {

        int num;
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Transition>> transitions;

int main() {
    std::vector<State> states;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        State nstate = State(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            nstate.add_transition(std::move(std::unique_ptr<Transition>(new Transition())));
        // This line causes compiler errors

I get compiler errors when adding the new state object to the vector:

Error: use of deleted function ‘std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&) [with _Tp = Transition; _Dp = std::default_delete<Transition>]’
 { ::new(static_cast<void*>(__p)) _T1(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }

I imagine this is due to vector making a copy of the State object which is also trying to make a copy of the vector of unique_ptrs which isn't allowed. I've seen that emplace_back doesn't make copies like push_back does but I still get the same error.

Adding the State object directly into the vector works, but I'd prefer to avoid this workaround as in my actual code I do more work with the State object rather than just adding transitions and don't want to keep accessing the vector.

int main() {
    std::vector<State> states;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            states[i].add_transition(std::move(std::unique_ptr<Transition>(new Transition())));


State is not copyable, but only moveable; But for states.push_back(nstate);, nstate is an lvalue (as a named variable), which can't be moved from. Then a copy is tried to perform but it's not allowed.

To solve it you could use std::move (to turn it to an rvalue):



Note that after the move operation, the data member of nstate (including the vector and its content) will be moved too.


You need to make an ownership decision.

The owner (or owners) of a new allocated object are responsible for ensuring it is 'delete'ed at the end of its lifecycle.

If the vector<> owns the object then std::move() the std::unique_ptr<> into the vector and continue to access the object through a 'raw' pointer but will be invalidated if the vector is destructed or the std::unique_ptr is erased/reset.

If the vector<> doesn't own the object than declare it vector<State*> and recognise it will be invalidated when the std::unique_ptr is destructed (unless you intervene).

If there's a complex relationship consider std::shared_ptr<> which will allow multiple objects to share ownership but make sure that circular referencing can't take place.

Beyond that you're into more complex ownership models and possible 'garbage collection'.

A superficial examination suggests a 'State' probably owns its Transitions because on the whole they make sense while the state exists and stop making sense when it doesn't. So continue with the vector<std::unique_ptr<> > and access State and/or Transition as a pointer.

If that doesn't work in your case, you probably need a 'FiniteState' context object that owns all the states and all the transitions and takes care to remove all the states and all the associated transitions from and to when a state is destroyed.


You should avoid using push_back and use emplace_back to create items inplace instead.

constexpr ::std::int32_t const states_count{10};
constexpr ::std::int32_t const transitions_per_state_count{2};
::std::vector< State > states;
for(::std::int32_t state_index{}; states_count != state_index; ++state_index)
    states.emplace_back(state_index); // new state is added without copying or moving anything
    auto & nstate{states.back()};
    for(::std::int32_t transition_index{}; transitions_per_state_count != transition_index; ++transition_index)
        nstate.add_transition(::std::unique_ptr< Transition >{new Transition{}});


You need to implement a move constructor for your State and call std::move to move the object

class State {
    // default if you just want it to move the members one by one
    State(State&& s) = default;



// This line causes compiler errors

The nstate object is an instance of the State class. The State class contains two data members: an int (which is copyable), and a vector of unique_ptrs, that is movable but not copyable (since unique_ptr is movable but not copyable). As a result of that, the whole State class is movable but not copyable. So, you must std::move the nstate object into the states vector:


If you want copy semantics, you should use a vector of shared_ptrs (that are reference counted smart pointers, and are both copyable and movable).

I would do also a few modifications to your State class code:

class State {
        State(int num) : num(num), transitions() {}

Here, you should mark the constructor explicit, to avoid implicit conversions from int. Moreover, the std::vector data member is automatically initialized, no need to use transitions() here.

Moreover, considering this line of code:

states[i].add_transition(std::move(std::unique_ptr<Transition>(new Transition())));

you should to use std::make_unique (introduced in C++14) instead of constructing a std::unique_ptr with the raw pointer returned by an explicit call to new.


You are passing std::unique_ptr<Transition> to function by value, which should create a local copy in void add_transition(std::unique_ptr<Transition> trans).

If you will pass value by reference std::unique_ptr<Transition>& trans, you wouldn't need any std::move outside add_transition function.

Also you may want to use std::make_unique<Transition>() instead of std::uniqye_ptr<Transition>(new Transition()).

Encapsulation of new keyword makes your code clearer and decreeses probability of creating memory leak.

