Why does it hang indefinitely?

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-17 07:07:58


I wonder why is the reason why this code never finishes its execution.

It makes use of MoreLinq

void Main()
    var values = MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200);
    var filtered = MyMethod(values)

public IEnumerable<int> MyMethod(IEnumerable<int> source) 
    return source
    .Select(x => new[] { x })
    .Aggregate((a, b) => new[] { a.Last() + b.First()});


Because MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200) returns an infinite sequence and the .Aggregate statement in MyMethod is trying to enumerate the whole sequence.

If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, moving Take to MyMethod may work:

public static IEnumerable<int> MyMethod(IEnumerable<int> source)
    return source
    .Select(x => new[] { x })
    .Aggregate((a, b) => new[] { a.Last() + b.First() });


I find out that this method(.Random(1, 200)) returns an infinite sequence of random integers using the standard .NET random number generator. Documentation


MoreEnumerable.Random enumerate an infinite list of random integers, that's why.

You have to replace

var values = MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200);

by a finite list:

var values = MoreEnumerable.Random(1, 200).Take(100);

For reason I do not know yet, the Aggregation seems to take the whole list, despite you put .Take(2) two lines after.

