How to instantiate object(Jdbc template) inside Hazelcast Map store

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-17 06:05:25


I'm trying to Autowire jdbc template inside mapStore.. but I'm getting null pointer exception.

I worked on so many examples but sill not able to resolve this issue..

Here is my main class

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class TestCacheApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
        System.err.println("......running successfully......");


Here is my cache configured code

public class CacheConfig {

    public static Config config() {

        System.err.println("config class");
        Config config = new Config();
        MapConfig mapCfg = new MapConfig();

        MapStoreConfig mapStoreCfg = new MapStoreConfig();
        mapStoreCfg.setClassName(DataMapStore .class.getName()).setEnabled(true);

        return config;



and TblRepo implementation

public class DataTblRepoImpl implements DataTblRepo {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public void save(String id, String name) {

        Object[] params = new Object[] { id, name };
        int[] types = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR };
        String insertSql = "INSERT INTO public.person(id, name)  VALUES(?, ?)";
        jdbcTemplate.update(insertSql, params, types);

and TblRepo interface I have annotated with @Repository annotation..

And My map store class

public class DataMapStore implements MapStore<String, ModelClass>{

    DataTblRepo dataTblRepo;

    public void store(String key, ModelClass value) {, value.getName());

//remaining methods will come here

and Controller

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class DataController {

    DataService dataService;

    HazelcastInstance hazelCast = Hazelcast.getHazelcastInstanceByName("hazelcast");

    public String saveDatafrom(@RequestBody ModelClass model) {

        hazelCast.getMap("first-map").put(model.getId(), model);
        return "stored";


Here is the program flow.. When I start the application, first Cacheconfig class will run.

  • In the controller when I perform the map.put() operation, data will go to the DataMapStore class and call the store method to save the data in database..since DataTblRepo is null so operation is failing at the store method itself..* I tried adding @component on the DataMapStore class also

but in my case I'm getting this error

  • "message": "Cannot invoke ", String)" because "this.dataTableRepo" is null",

I saw this same issue in many platforms also but still not able to resolve this issue.

Any suggestions would be very helpful


SpringAware is for Hazelcast distributed objects (cf. documentation).

The MapStore in your example is not a distributed object but a simple plain object. It should be managed by Spring itself. You should replace the @SpringAware annotation by a Spring @Component annotation.

The next issue is that your map store configuration makes Hazelcast responsible to instantiate the MapStore. If this happens, you won't benefit from Spring's Dependency Injection mechanism. You should directly set the instance created by Spring.

  1. Replace SpringAware by Component

    public class DataMapStore implements MapStore<String, ModelClass> {
        // ...
  2. Use the Spring-configured MapStore instance

    public Config config(DataMapStore mapStore) { // Ask Spring to inject the instance
        // ...
        MapStoreConfig mapStoreCfg = new MapStoreConfig();
        mapStoreCfg.setImplementation(mapStore);  // Use it
        return config;

I also removed the static keyword on the config() method.

Note that this way of using MapStore couples it with the "client" code. This means you need to use Hazelcast embedded. For more information about embedded mode vs. client/server, please check the documentation related to topology.

