LibXML doesn't find any nodes for my xpath expression

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-17 04:40:22


I'm using xpath and LibXML in an iPhone app to find some nodes in an xml document. I'm a noob in xpath so probably i am doing something wrong. Here is the xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetUserByEmailResponse xmlns="">
        <name>Kudor Gyozo</name>

The xpath expression is //GetUserByEmailResult. No nodes are returned. I expect to get <GetUserByEmailResult> back. If I test the same stuff here it works ok.

UPDATE1: This is what i get back from a .net web service. Is there a way to ignore namespaces in libxml?


The GetUserByEmailResult element is in the namespace so you would need to add that namespace to your XPath search.

You can do so using the xmlXPathRegisterNs function:

xmlXPathRegisterNs(context,  BAD_CAST "temp", BAD_CAST "");

Then your XPath would have to be changed to



I'm not familiar with the iphone library, but you'll probably have to declare the namsepace / prefix somewhere: If you register '' with 'someprefix', you can search for:


A possible workaround is (but not advisable):


