Plotting a list of timeseries of class(forecast) in [R]

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-16 13:47:20


I am trying to plot a faceted grid of timeseries plots (ideally 3X3) using a list of forecast timeseries data. The data is nested within a list and is of class forecast::forecast.

 > class(forecasts)
[1] "list"
> class(forecasts$`1_1`)
[1] "forecast"
> head(forecasts, 2)
         Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
Dec 2016       7.370299 7.335176 7.405422 7.316583 7.424015

         Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
Dec 2016       7.396656 7.359845 7.433467 7.340359 7.452953

I would like to plot the data, so far i've tried this:

> map2(forecasts, names(forecasts), 
+      function(forecast, time_series) plot(forecast, 
+                                       main= "Blank", 
+                                       bty="n",
+                                       ylab="Monthly Revenue",
+                                       xlab="Time"))

And it returns this:

I can't seem to figure out how to add the corresponding list label names so i've put a character string "Blank" in there as a placeholder.

If anyone has any solution for plotting lists of forecast format time series data I would greatly appreciate it.

    > names(forecasts)
 [1] "1_1"   "1_10"  "1_2"   "1_3"   "1_4"   "1_5"   "1_6"   "1_7"   "1_8"   "1_9"   "10_1" 
[12] "10_10" "10_2"  "10_3"  "10_4"  "10_5"  "10_7"  "10_8"  "10_9"  "2_1"   "2_10"  "2_2"  
[23] "2_3"   "2_4"   "2_5"   "2_6"   "2_7"   "2_8"   "2_9"   "3_1"   "3_10"  "3_2"   "3_3"  
[34] "3_4"   "3_5"   "3_6"   "3_7"   "3_8"   "3_9"   "4_1"   "4_10"  "4_2"   "4_3"   "4_4"  
[45] "4_5"   "4_6"   "4_7"   "4_8"   "4_9"   "5_1"   "5_10"  "5_2"   "5_3"   "5_4"   "5_5"  
[56] "5_6"   "5_7"   "5_8"   "5_9"   "6_1"   "7_1"   "7_10"  "7_2"   "7_3"   "7_4"   "7_5"  
[67] "7_6"   "7_7"   "7_8"   "7_9"   "8_1"   "8_10"  "8_2"   "8_3"   "8_4"   "8_5"   "8_6"  
[78] "8_7"   "8_8"   "8_9"   "9_1"   "9_10"  "9_2"   "9_3"   "9_4"   "9_5"   "9_6"   "9_7"  
[89] "9_9" 


You can use one of these

par(mfrow = c(3, 3))

map2(forecasts, names(forecasts), 
      ~ plot(       .x, 
             main = .y, 
             bty  = "n",
             ylab = "Monthly Revenue",
             xlab = "Time"))

# same as map2 but returns nothing
# suitable for plotting & writing output to files
walk2(forecasts, names(forecasts), 
      ~ plot(       .x, 
             main = .y, 
             bty  = "n",
             ylab = "Monthly Revenue",
             xlab = "Time"))

pwalk(list(forecasts, names(forecasts)), 
      ~ plot(       ..1, 
             main = ..2, 
             bty  = "n",
             ylab = "GDP",
             xlab = "Year"))

# to save some typing
      ~ plot(       .x, 
             main = .y, 
             bty  = "n",
             ylab = "Monthly Revenue",
             xlab = "Time"))

P.S: time_series in your function is not needed as you're not using it in the subsequent plot call

