ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found[windows]

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-16 05:33:47


Good morning,

After a lot of attemps running

from wand.image import Image

I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\XXXXX\PycharmProjects\PDF_convert\venv\lib\site-packages\wand\", line 180, in <module>
    libraries = load_library()
  File "C:\Users\XXXXX\PycharmProjects\PDF_convert\venv\lib\site-packages\wand\", line 135, in load_library
    raise IOError('cannot find library; tried paths: ' + repr(tried_paths))
OSError: cannot find library; tried paths: ['C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWandHDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWandHDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q16.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q16.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q16HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q16HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q16HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q16HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q8.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q8.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q8HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q8HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-Q8HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-Q8HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6.Q16.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6.Q16.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6.Q16HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6.Q16HDRI.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\CORE_RL_wand_-6.Q16HDRI-2.dll', 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8\\libMagickWand-6.Q16HDRI-2.dll']
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3.3\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\", line 20, in do_import
    module = self._system_import(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\xxxxx\PycharmProjects\PDF_convert\venv\lib\site-packages\wand\", line 20, in <module>
    from .api import MagickPixelPacket, libc, libmagick, library
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3.3\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\", line 20, in do_import
    module = self._system_import(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\XXXX\PycharmProjects\PDF_convert\venv\lib\site-packages\wand\", line 206, in <module>
    'Try to install:\n  ' + msg)
ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found.
You probably had not installed ImageMagick library.
Try to install:

I have tried everything: 1. Install the most recent binaries ImageMagick-6.9.9-40-Q8-x64-dll (1).exe (checking the required options) 2. Define MAGICK_HOME path as: C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.9-Q8 3. Restart computer

and still giving me this error.

I'm using windows 10,

Can someone help me with this error? I really need to use this library for scanned ocr pdf.

Thanks in advance!win


Refer to this answer here. I had the same problem but I had a 32bit version of Python so I had to download the x86 version of ImageMagick.


On windows, installing the 32bit version has worked for me, however, the link on wand's website is dead for some server reason. I have been able to make it work by installing from the binaries list.


Even installing the correct version (32-bit / 64-bit) of ImageMagick 7.X.X, I still got the ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found error. For my version of Wand==0.4.5, what helped for me was uninstalling ImageMagick, then installing a 6.9.X version. You may find the list of releases here.


For Python v3 (64 bit),

try installing ImageMagick-6.9.10-2-Q16-x64-dll.exe from here then put installed directory file path in Path environment variable, ex - C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.10-Q16

then install wand pip install wand==0.4.4

this should fix the issue as there are compatibility issues with wand and ImageMagick


Don't get confused check for correct Python Version:

Not the Windows 32/64bit matters what matters is which Python Verison is installed 32/64bit

To get the correct version:
python -VV
>>> Python 3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 22:39:24) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]

Find the correct version x64 for 64bit x86 for 32bit Python:

Get -dll.exe version...

Note that you have to check Install development headers and libraries for C and C++ to make Wand able to link to it.

Lastly you have to set MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path of ImageMagick (e.g. C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.3-Q16). You can set it in Computer ‣ Properties ‣ Advanced system settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Environment Variables….

If you like to convert images like me you need to install Ghostscript in addition:

