Azure Lifecycle Management - Regions

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-11 18:18:18


I've got an storage account in 'North Europe' and now I want to use the lifecycle management to move the cold blobs to archive tier.

But I everytime I try I get the following failure: Failed to add a lifecycle management rule for storage account 'myStorrageAccount'. Error: ManagementPolicy rule MoveBackupToArchiv is invalid. Invalid value for parameter : baseBlob, tierToArchive is not supported in this region currently.

I checked all my data in the container and every file is on cold storage.


The lifecycle management feature is available in all Azure regions.

This is a bug in storage management policy.

This will only work in a region that supports Move blob to cool storage, Move blob to archive storage and delete blob. Not all regions support all 3 but attempts to apply them and gets an error back from Azure (correctly). North Europe is the region that has this issue.

