Trouble with finding length of list in Prolog

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-11 17:51:57


I'm having trouble finding the length of a list. I know how to deal with lists such as say [a,b,c,d] or [a,b,[],d] or even [a,[[[]]],c,[]] each of which have a length of 4. The problem I'm having is trying to figure out the length of the list in a case like this [a,[b,c],d]. There are 4 elements, but when I run my code, it'll print 3. It considers the inner list [b,c] as a single element and I'm not sure how to count those separately.

Here's what I have:

% this is the base case

% case where element is a single atom like a or []
mylen([_|T],Len) :- atom(_),Len is Len1+1.

% case that *should* deal with sublists [b,c]
mylen([[_|TH]|T],Len) :- mylen(TH,Len1), Len is Len1+1.

% general case
mylen([_|T],Len):- mylen(T,Len1),Len is Len1+1.

I hope my question is clear. Thank you!

Ps. I looked at other posts concerning this, but couldn't find any solutions to this specific problem.


Your problem comes from the fact that you need to treat the head of the list in a special way when it is a non-empty list. So for example:

strangelen([], 0).
strangelen([H|T], Len) :-
    (   H = [_|_] % head is a non-empty list
    ->  strangelen(H, LenH)
    ;   LenH = 1
    strangelen(T, LenT),
    Len is LenH + LenT.

And then:

?- strangelen([a,b,c,d], Len).
Len = 4.

?- strangelen([a,b,[],d], Len).
Len = 4.

?- strangelen([a,[[[]]],c,[]], Len).
Len = 4.

?- strangelen([a,[b,c],d], Len).
Len = 4.

?- strangelen([[]], Len).
Len = 1.

?- strangelen([[[b,c]]], Len).
Len = 2.

This solution does not work for a first argument that is not a proper list (try ?- strangelen(List, Len).)


?- atom(_).

Then the second clause it's useless, will always fail. You should not ignore the 'shape' of the list' head, since it could be a list. This problem also appears in the third clause.

