PANDAS find exact given string/word from a column

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-11 17:36:42


So, I have a pandas column name Notes which contains a sentence or explanation of some event. I am trying find some given words from that column and when I find that word I am adding that to the next column as Type

The problem is for some specific word for example Liar, Lies its picking up word like familiar and families because they both have liar and lies in them.

Notes                                  Type
2 families are living in the address   Lies
He is a liar                           Liar
We are not familiar with this          Liar

As you can see from above only the second sentence is correct. How do I only pick up separate word like liar, lies and not families or familiar.

This was my approach,

word= ["Lies"]

for i in range(0, len(df)):
    for f in word:
        if f in df["Notes"][i]:
            df["Type"][i] = "Lies"

Appreciate any help. Thanks


Use \b for word boundary in regex, and .str.extract to find pattern:


To label those rows containing that word, do:

df['Type'] = np.where(df.Notes.str.contains(r'\b(lies|liar)\b'), 'Lies', 'Not Lies')


Well I agree with Quang Hoang answer. Please make sure you are aware about sentences like "He is not a liar". Where it will still match and give you Liar.


I think this piece if code will work fine for you!

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"Notes":["2 families are living in the address"  ,
"He is a liar  "              ,           
"We are not familiar with this "   ]  }) 

word= ["liar","are","this"]
found_in_whole_string =[]

for i in range(0, len(df)):
    for f in word:
        if f in df["Notes"][i].split(" "):
    found_in_whole_string.append(",".join([word for word in found_one_word if len(word) > 0])  )

df["type"] = found_in_whole_string

