Does all the plugins present in the avaliable tab compatible with the version of master jenkins?

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-11 17:15:02


Say if I have 2 Jenkins master

A: Jenkins version2.22 B: Jenkins version 2.35

So when I go to manage Jenkins --> manage plugins I see available plugins. Does that mean that all the plugins listed in available plugins are compatible with that particular version of Jenkins?

For Eg: Available plugins in Jenkins master A are compatible with 2.22 versions of Jenkins. and Available plugins in Jenkins master B are compatible with 2.35 version Jenkins.


Jenkins shows the latest plugins' versions be default.

To show plugins matching your jenkins version you need to go Manage jenkins -> manage plugins -> advanced and change URL in "Update Site". For me it looks like

You can check for json files available for your version.

