Merging csv-files via batch

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-11 17:10:46


I need to merge a lot small csv-files from different source into separate bigger csv-files

Usually I use:

for /r E:\MyFolder %%d in (.) do ( 
    copy "%%d\*.csv" "%%d\merge.txt" /B

This works fine, but for a certain type of csv file, where a new line at the end missing where this won't work correctly. I can use :

for %%x in (E:\MyFolder\case1\*.csv) do more "%%x" >>E:\MyFolder\case1\merge.txt

But it won't run recursively, only for the top folder, obviously. I tried wrapping the same for loop as in the other statement around it but it still won't work.

Can you help me getting it to work recursively?


The following code should work for you:

@echo off
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=E:\MyFolder"
set "_FILE=merge.csv"
set "_MASK=*.csv"
rem // Resolve target file path for later comparison:
for %%C in ("%_ROOT%\%_FILE%") do (
    rem // Write to target file:
    > "%%~fC" (
        rem // Change into parent directory of target file:
        pushd "%%~dpC." && (
            rem // Loop through all matching files:
            for /R %%F in ("%_MASK%") do (
                rem // Exclude target file:
                if /I not "%%~F"=="%%~fC" (
                    rem // Return file content with final line-break if needed:
                    more "%%~F"

This works when the input CSV files contains less than 64K lines/rows each of which is shorter than 64K characters/bytes.

For input CSV files with 64K lines/rows or more, replace more "%%~F" by < "%%~F" find /V "", given that each of the lines/rows is shorter than 4K characters/bytes.

