sorting DataTables with setting false option on ordering

余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-11 16:56:58


Is it possible setting default sorting table by second column with disable change sorting?

I try in this way but on header of second column an arrow is visible. I want remove all arrow with the default sorting.

var table = data.DataTable({
    "pageLength": 5,
    "lengthChange": false,
    "info" : false,
    "responsive": true,
    "ordering": true,
    "order": [ 1, "asc" ],
    "columnDefs": [{
    "targets": "_all", "orderable": false
    "data": result,
    "columns": [
        { "data": null },
        { "data": "Class" },
        { "data": "count" },
        { "data": "group" }

table.on('order.dt', function () {
    table.column(0, { search: 'applied', order: 'applied' }).nodes()
    .each(function (cell, i) {
          cell.innerHTML = i + 1;


You can use this jQuery command to remove the grey triangle (background image) from the element:

$("th.sorting_desc").css('background-image', 'none');

This needs to be placed at the end of the "document ready" section (assuming that is what you are doing).

The only thing I would add is this: The triangle is there for a reason - to tell users how the data is sorted. I'd be reluctant to remove it myself (just my opinion).

(Your "targets": "_all", "orderable": false has taken care of the sorting question already. The table is not sortable by the user, once it has been displayed.)


You may also want to stop the cursor from changing, when you roll over the table heading (for consistency of UI experience):

$("th.sorting_desc").css('cursor', 'default');

(Tested only in Firefox and Chrome.)

