How to call MongoDB addFields in Spring Mongo?

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-02-11 14:41:44


I have the following type of object in my MongoDB

    "name": {
        "en": "...",
        "am": "...",
        "ru": "..."

Now I want to run the following query using Spring Data Mongo

db.categories.aggregate({$addFields: {'name': '$'}})

where the am part in $ is the locale of the name, hence it must be dynamic. I looked through the MongoTemplate API, and as far as I found, there is no support of addFields operation. Is there any way to achieve this?


You need to implement AggregationOperation

Single use

AggregationOperation addFields = new AggregationOperation() {

    public Document toDocument(AggregationOperationContext context) {
        return new Document("$addFields", new Document("name", "$"));



public AggregationOperation aggregateAddFields(final String field, final String valueExpresion) {

    AggregationOperation addFields = new AggregationOperation() {

        public Document toDocument(AggregationOperationContext context) {
            return new Document("$addFields", new Document(field, valueExpresion));

    return addFields;


AggregationOperation addFields = aggregateAddFields("name", "$");

