Rank & Rank.EQ function - Array reference error

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-11 13:58:31



Short question on the use of array references within RANK or RANK.EQ function.

Both function got the following parameters: ....(number,ref,[order])

Ms.Documentation about the Ref parameter within RANK and RANK.EQ:

"Ref Required. An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers. Nonnumeric values in ref are ignored."

Also, other websites I would normally highly recommend, would state that the use of an array or list is possible within the Ref parameter.

Sample data:

| Rank1 | Rank2 | Overall |
| 1     | 3     |         |
| 1     | 1     |         |
| 3     | 2     |         |

Tried function:

According to the documentation, the following in C2 should work:


This evaluates to (using the build-in function):


However returns, #VALUE error.


Can we state that only range references work as the Ref parameter and arrays simply don't work? Or am I missing some important piece of information here? Any canonical answer is welcome, I just want to make sure my hypothesis is correct.

For this specific case, to replicate the RANK, I would instead have to use something like:



Arrays don't work. They never have either, to the best of my recollection; the documentation is just wrong.

