How do Integrate eWay Payment System in PHP

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-11 13:48:25


I have followed the document site to integrate the Payment system into my PHP application. And I run the command composer require eway/eway-rapid-php from terminal in the application. After that I load autoload.php.

Now I want to send customer into eWay payment site for choose payment method(paypal, CC) as well as paypal/CC information. So that customer can feel that they are paying by eWay payment gateway. I have the following code into my controller method ::

$apiKey = '5XwiMIQ3EBkSlP5XwiMIQ3EBkSlP5XwiMIQ3EBkSlP...................';
    $apiPassword = '12222......';
    $apiEndpoint = \Eway\Rapid\Client::MODE_SANDBOX; // Use \Eway\Rapid\Client::MODE_PRODUCTION when you go live

    $client = \Eway\Rapid::createClient($apiKey, $apiPassword, $apiEndpoint);

    $transaction = [
        'RedirectUrl' => '',
        'CancelUrl' => "",
        'TransactionType' => \Eway\Rapid\Enum\TransactionType::PURCHASE,
        'Payment' => [
            'TotalAmount' => 1000,

    $response = $client->createTransaction(\Eway\Rapid\Enum\ApiMethod::RESPONSIVE_SHARED, $transaction);

Its returning the "Error connecting to Rapid gateway" | error code S9992 Also I followed the url

Do I miss anything ? Would you please help me out ? Thanks in Advanced.


Most of the time a S9992 connection error is due to an incorrect CA bundle, which prevents SSL verification from working correctly. There are a number of questions with solutions already on SO, like this one.

You can confirm the issue by enabling logging in the eWAY PHP SDK, this gist has some examples.


I have had the exact same Eway S9992 issue using XAMPP on Mac OSX. I managed to fix the issue by downloading the latest CA bundle from here:

Saving it to my /Applications/XAMPP/etc/ folder then editing my XAMPP/etc/php.ini file and updating the path to the openssl.cafile:


Restarted Apache and it worked a treat!

