Dynamics HttpClient call never succeeds

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-11 13:36:34


I am developing a business central control add in where I need to call external web services. For this, I am using the HttpClient class in AL but no call succeeds.

if not Client.Get('https://google.com', Response)
    then begin
        responseText := Response.ReasonPhrase();
        Error('didnt work');

It takes about 2.5-3 Minutes to finish the call. ResponseText is 'OK' and HttpStatusCode is '200' but the call always fails and goes into error handling block.

Reading the response with Response.Content.ReadAs(responseText); fails with a dynamics error message.

What am I missing? I already granted external access in extension management and tried with sandbox and on premise installs of latest 2019.


Go to extension management, select your extension and from Manage menu, select Configure. In the Configure page, set AllowHttpCleintRequest to True.

enter image description here

