Unable to perform TFVC to GIT import on VSTS

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-11 13:27:53


I am trying to import a specific TFS branch (without history) to GIT using "Import from TFVC" function available after creating an empty GIT repository in VSTS. The error I am getting is:

There is no item in the given path which can be imported

VSTS redirects me to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=839462 but there is no description of this error, it's a general import guide.

The branch I am referencing during the import has many projects and is about 500MB in size (this is the size on disk after I fetch the branch to an empty folder).

What can I do to perform the import using the import tool?

If this fails can I simply create a local GIT repo on my disk, where i have the TFS branch, connect it to the newly created remote repo and push everything there?


If all you need is the tip, you can clone your empty Git repo, add the files from TFVC, and push the repo using standard Git commands. Or you can git init a new local repo, add a remote pointing to your empty repo, and push that way.

No need for the import tool.

