Alternate for eval() to execute auto-generated JS code from the server

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:57:57


var val = 3;

var code = "var a = 5; if (a >= val) { console.log(a + ' >= ' + val); a; } else { console.log(a + ' < 3 ' + val); val; }";


This is the scenario where an alternative to eval() is required. The Server can send any kind of JS code which could be run on a particular block.


Do not use eval(code) or new Function(code) as both are basically the same thing and should be blocked by CSP.

Just return your content from the server as content-type: text/javascript then get it into your page with a <script> block or import.

On the server you would have something like (pseudo code, as I don't know what tech stack you're on):

public string ActionReturningCode() 
    // return the content as JS
    Response.Headers.Add("content-type", "text/javascript");

    // build the response object as JS
    return "window.latestResult = {" + 
        "a: '" + a + "', " +
        "b: '" + b + "', " + 
        "generatedCode: function() { ... }" + 

Then in your page:

<script src="serverActionReturningCode"></script>
     // Now the script above has run and set window.latestResult
     console.log('a', window.latestResult.a);
     console.log('b', window.latestResult.b);
     console.log('function output', window.latestResult.generatedCode());

This will let you dynamically generate JS functions on the server.

However, if you can avoid the functions and just need to pass values it is a lot simpler to use JSON instead.


It seems to be like there is no way other than to live with eval or change the entire design of the application. Even if we look for any other alternatives, it's going to be the change in the name and syntax. But the security issues are going to be the same. Its the design of the application that JS CodeGen tool in the server will generate JS code snippets and send it via JSON in certain fields which has to be picked and executed in the front-end. But in this design, we can assure one thing that the JS code is generated only at the design time of the user and not at the runtime. Thanks for your help.


You can do it like this. Using Eval() is not recommended.

function looseJsonParse(obj){
    return Function('"use strict";return (' + obj + ')')();
   "{a:(4-1), b:function(){}, c:new Date()}"

Refer this MDN article to dig more into it.

