How to let PHPUnit test property initialization in PHP7.4?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-11 12:09:13


One of the code style changes in our application when adopting PHP7.4 typed properties was to move from:

if (null === $object->value) { ... }


if (empty($object->value)) { ... }

Even when a typed property is nullable, the first if-statement will throw an Error.

The next step was on writing tests. Where using empty() on checking whether a typed property is initialized works, the PHPUnit implementation on assertEmpty crashes with the same error.

Obviously assertFalse(isset($obj->value) would work, but what assertion should get used to check if a property was not instantiated? Simplification of the test we would want:

function testInstantiatedAfterCall()
    $obj = new Object('');
    $obj->changeContainer('Example Container');

    // or

