Redirect all routes without _locale to new routes including _locale in Symfony 2.8

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-11 08:42:40


(Just in case you have visited my previous question: Do not be confused that the first part of the question / the introduction is the same. The question at the end is different :)

I am working on a WebApp project using Symfony 2.8. I would like to add different languages to the page. Depending on the users locale all routes/URLs should be changed from /some/url to /locale/some/url, e.g./en/some/url`.

Before adding the languages the main routing file looked like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<routes xmlns=""

    <!-- Routes for the public pages -->
        resource="@AppBundle/Resources/config/routing/public_routes.xml" />


And the public_routes.xml has the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<routes xmlns=""

    <route id="home" path="" methods="GET">
        <default key="_controller">AppBundle:Default:home</default>

    <route id="public_price" path="/price" methods="GET">
        <default key="_controller">AppBundle:Default:price</default>

    <route id="public_about" path="/about" methods="GET">
        <default key="_controller">AppBundle:Default:about</default>


So far, so simple. Now I have added the following to the routing to add the localization:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<routes xmlns=""

    <!-- Home route to redirect to the right route -->
    <route id="home_redirect" path="" methods="GET">
        <default key="_controller">AppBundle:Default:home</default>

    <!-- Routes for the localized public pages -->
        prefix="/{_locale}" >

        <requirement key="_locale">en|fr|es</requirement>
        <default key="_locale">en</default>        


So the import of the public pages was extended with prefix="/{_locale}" which automatically adds the current locale to all routes from public_routes.xml.

This works fine. I can now navigate to /en, /en/price, /en/about, etc.

To be able to still navigate to an "empty" route (domain without any additional path) I added the home_redirect route with its controller:

public function homeAction(Request $request) {
    $locale = $request->attributes->get('_locale');
    if (!$locale) {
        // Try to get the preferred language from the request
        $locale = MySettings::getLanguage($request);               
        return $this->redirectToRoute('home', array('_locale' => $locale));
    } elseif (!MySettings::checkLanguage($locale)) {
        // Invalid Locale...
        throw $this->createNotFoundException();

    return $this->render('AppBundle:Default:homepage.html.twig');

So if _locale is set for the request, the homeAction checks if the language is supported or throws an error. If _locale is not set, homeAction tries to get the current _locale from the request (e.g. from the browser accepted languages).

If "/" called the user is automatically re-directed to /en, /fr or whatever the current local is.

This works fine for the homepage, but I would like to achieve the same for all "old" routes, like /about and /price

Of course I could add a about_redirect route just like I have added an home_redirect route. But to do this for all old routes would be quite cumbersome and ugly.

Is there any better, more elegant and automatic solution?



You can add listener that will check if locale is set.

$kernel->getContainer()->get('event_dispatcher')->addListener(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents::REQUEST, function($event) {
    if ($event->getRequestType() != \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST) return;

    $request = $event->getRequest();
    $locale = $request->attributes->get('_locale');
    if (!$locale) {
        // Try to get the preferred language from the request
        $locale = MySettings::getLanguage($request);
        return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse('/' . $locale . '/' . ltrim($request->getRequestUri(), '/'));
    } elseif (!MySettings::checkLanguage($locale)) {
        // Invalid Locale...
        throw new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException();


$response = $kernel->handle($request);

