Cygwin Path Error: Cannot find module 'C:\cygdrive\c\…'

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-02-11 06:54:37


I am using Cygwin on Windows 7 and it was working as expected until I updated it a couple of days ago.

Now when I try to run a makefile for my NodeJs app I get the errors about paths. In error stack I see all the paths have double reference to C drive:


Update : Reproduced in Git bash, Windows command line and Cygwin shells.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Make sure the C:\cygdrive\c path is a native, Windows-style symbolic link to just C:\ as that is the expected behavior of that path.

By default, cygwin creates a UNIX-style symbolic link, which won't work well in many cases. So you need to explicitly tell cygwin what to do here.

Here's how, from inside of Cygwin:

export CYGWIN="winsymlinks:native"
cd C:/cygdrive && rm -rf c && ln -s -v C:/ c


If you search for similar question you'll find what you look for. I think this post answers your question quite well

