Insert bit into uint16_t

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-11 06:18:59


Is there any efficient algorithm that allows to insert bit bit to position index when working with uint16_t? I've tried reading bit-by-bit after index, storing all such bits into array of char, changing bit at index, increasing index, and then looping again, inserting bits from array, but could be there a better way? So I know how to get, set, unset or toggle specific bit, but I suppose there could be better algorithm than processing bit-by-bit.

uint16_t bit_insert(uint16_t word, int bit, int index);
bit_insert(0b0000111111111110, 1, 1); /* must return 0b0100011111111111 */

P.S. The solution must be in pure ANSI-compatible C. I know that 0b prefix may be specific to gcc, but I've used it here to make things more obvious.


Use bitwise operators:

#define BIT_INSERT(word, bit, index)  \
    (((word) & (~(1U << (index)))) | ((bit) << (index)))


#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>

/* Insert a bit `idx' positions from the right (lsb). */
bit_insert_lsb(uint16_t n, int bit, int idx)
    uint16_t lower;

    if (idx > 15) {
        errno = ERANGE;
        return 0U;

    /* Get bits 0 to `idx' inclusive. */
    lower = n & ((1U << (idx + 1)) - 1);

    return ((n & ~lower) | ((!!bit) << idx) | (lower >> 1));

/* Insert a bit `idx' positions from the left (msb). */
bit_insert_msb(uint16_t n, int bit, int idx)
    uint16_t lower;

    if (idx > 15) {
        errno = ERANGE;
        return 0U;

    /* Get bits 0 to `16 - idx' inclusive. */
    lower = n & ((1U << (15 - idx + 1)) - 1);

    return ((n & ~lower) | ((!!bit) << (15 - idx)) | (lower >> 1));

Bits are typically counted from the right, where the least significant bit (lsb) resides, to the left, where the most significant bit (msb) is located. I allowed for insertion from either side by creating two functions. The one expected, according to the question, is bit_insert_msb.

Both functions perform a sanity check, setting errno to ERANGE and returning 0 if the value of idx is too large. I also provided some of C99's _Bool behaviour for the bit parameter in the return statements: 0 is 0 and any other value is 1. If you use a C99 compiler, I'd recommend changing bit's type to _Bool. You can then replace (!!bit) with bit directly.

I'd love to say it could be optimised, but that could very well make it less comprehensible.

Happy coding!


If you're counting bits from the left

mask = (1 << (16 - index + 1)) - 1;  // all 1s from bit "index" to LSB
// MSB of word (from left to index) | insert bit at index | LSB of word from (index-1)
word = (word & ~mask) | (bit << (16 - index)) | ((word & mask) >> 1);

There may be many ways more efficient but this way it's easy to understand

