Why am I getting “Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null at ahint”

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-11 05:16:32


I have tried to write some code in JS but, when I hover my mouse, the error "Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null at ahint" is seen. I have read that such an error can occur because Chrome compiles/renders the JS code before the Div is even created. Therefore, I have put it on the bottom to check it. Unfortunately, putting it on the bottom has not solved my problem. Maybe someone more experienced will understand it.

var hint = "Hello";

function ahint()
    document.getElementById('#randomhint').innerHTML = hint;

    <div id="randomhint" onmouseover="ahint()">!</div>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>


Remove the # from the identifier:

var hint = "Hello";

function ahint()
    document.getElementById('randomhint').innerHTML = hint;

You have likely seen the # in code that uses jQuery or a similar library, as in $('#randomhint'). That’s how those libraries know that you mean to use an id and not, say, a tag name.

But you do not need (and cannot use) it when using getElementById (which is part of “vanilla” JavaScript). With getElementById, only the actual id value ("randomhint") belongs there.

