Jenkins CORS Filter plugin not adding Access-Control-Allow-Origins header

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-11 04:55:22


I am trying to add CORS support to my Jenkins server so I could access the REST API from the browser. From looking around, the recommended approach is to use the CORS Filter plugin.

I have installed it, enable it, and add http://localhost to the Access-Control-Allow-Origins field, as well as GET to Access-Control-Allow-Methods field. However, these headers are not showing up in my requests.

This plugin has not been updated in a few years, so I'm not sure if it's compatible with the latest version of Jenkins. I'm running version 2.172.

In the Jenkins system log, I see these errors, not sure if it's related/ relevant

Caught exception evaluating: descriptor.getPropertyType(instance,field).itemTypeDescriptorOrDie in /configure. Reason: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
java.lang.AssertionError: class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$IvyConfiguration is missing its descriptor in public hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$IvyConfiguration[] hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger$DescriptorImpl.getConfigurations(). See
Caught exception evaluating: h.filterDescriptors(it,attrs.descriptors) in /configure. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp589873731-14 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'
java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp589873731-14 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'

These errors have at org.jenkinsci.plugins.corsfilter.AccessControlsFilter.doFilter( in their stack trace.

Does anyone know of a good way to enable CORS support for Jenkins REST API?

