Can multiple base classes have the same virtual method?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-10 18:50:53


  1. class A has a pure virtual method read()
  2. class B has an implemented virtual method read()
  3. I have a class C that inherits A and B
  4. Can this happen?

What I'm trying to achieve is that the two base classes A and B complement each other.

So C read() method would actually call class B read()

class A {
    virtual int get_data() = 0;

    void print() {

class B {
    virtual int get_data() {
        return 4;

class C : public A, public B {

C my_class;
my_class.print(); // should log 4;

I'm not on my computer nor will have opportunity in the next couple of weeks so I can't test this... but I'm designing the architecture and needed to know if this is possible and if not.. how can this be accomplished!


Can multiple base classes have the same virtual method?

  1. Can this happen?


So C read() method would actually call class B read()

That doesn't happen automatically. A member function of base doesn't override a function of an unrelated base.

You can add an override to C:

class C : public A, public B {
    int get_data() override;

This overrides both A::get_data and B::get_data. In order to "actually call class B read()", you can indeed make such call:

int C::get_data() {
    return B::get_data();

Or... that would be possible if you hadn't declared B::get_data private.

Overriding a function in another base without explicitly delegating in derived is possible if you change your hierarchy a bit. In particular, you need a common base, and virtual inheritance:

struct Base {
    virtual int get_data() = 0;

struct A : virtual Base {
    void print() {
        std::cout << get_data();

struct B : virtual Base {
    int get_data() override {
        return 4;

struct C : A, B {};

