How to efficiently load mixed-type pandas DataFrame into an Oracle DB

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-02-10 18:18:18


Happy new year everyone!

I'm currently struggling with ETL performance issues as I'm trying to write larger Pandas DataFrames (1-2 mio rows, 150 columns) into an Oracle data base. Even for just 1000 rows, Panda's default to_sql() method runs well over 2 minutes (see code snippet below).

My strong hypothesis is that these performance issues are in some way related to the underlying data types (mostly strings). I ran the same job on 1000 rows of random strings (benchmark: 3 min) and 1000 rows of large random floats (benchmark: 15 seconds).

def_save(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self._load_args['con'])
    table_name = self._load_args["table_name"]

    if self._load_args.get("schema", None) is not None:
        table_name = self._load_args['schema'] + "." + table_name

    with engine.connect() as conn:
            method=None# oracle dialect does not support multiline inserts

Anyone here how has experience in efficiently loading mixed data into an Oracle data base using python?

Any hints, code snippets and/or API recommendations are very much appreciated.



As said in your question, you are not able to use method='multi' with you db flavor. This is the key reason inserts are so slow, as data going in row by row.

Using SQL*Loader as suggested by @GordThompson may be fastest route for relatively wide/big table. Example on setting up SQL*Loader

Another option to consider is cx_Oracle. See Speed up to_sql() when writing Pandas DataFrame to Oracle database using SqlAlchemy and cx_Oracle

