Yii2 - Update database field when switchinput widget is clicked

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-10 16:00:58


I am using the switchinput Kartik widget which I have related to a database true/false field (field1). What I want to do is to be able to update this database field value when I change the switch.

Here is the view code:

    echo $form->field($model, 'field1')->widget(SwitchInput::classname(), [
    'type' => SwitchInput::CHECKBOX,
    'name' => 'status_11',
    'pluginOptions' => [
        'size' => 'medium',
        'onColor' => 'success',
        'offColor' => 'danger',

and here is the controller code that tries to update the database:

if (isset($_POST['status_11']))
                        if ($model->field1 == False)
                            $model->field1 = True;
                            $model->field1 = False;
                        throw new Exception('Could not save to database. Trnasaction aborted.');

The switch can read from the database the value of field1 and show on or off respectively. But the change (onclick) action does not update the database...

Should I try using PHP or should I implement it with js ('pluginEvents' widget option) and how? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


You should use the pluginEvents array with the switchChange event, to trigger an ajax call to your php script, which updates the database:

pluginEvents = [
    "switchChange.bootstrapSwitch" => 'function() { 
          method: "POST",
          url: "'.Url::to(['/controller/action']).'",
          data: { status_11: state}

