How to get Cloud Run to handle multiple simultaneous deployments?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-10 14:27:34


I've got a project with 4 components, and every component has hosting set up on Google Cloud Run, separate deployments for testing and for production. I'm also using Google Cloud Build to handle the build & deployment of the components.

Due to lack of good webhook events from source system, I'm currently forced to trigger a rebuild of all components in a project every time there is a new change. In the project this means 8 different images to build and deploy, as testing and production use different build-time settings as well.

I've managed to optimize Cloud Build to handle the 8 concurrent builds pretty nicely, but they all finish around the same time, and then all 8 are pushed to Cloud Run. It often seems like Cloud Run does not like this at all and starts throwing some errors to me that I've been unable to resolve.

First and more serious is that often about 4-6 of the 8 deployments go through as expected, and the remaining ones either are significantly delayed or just fail, often so that the first few go through fine, then a few with significant delays, and the final 1-2 just fail. This seems to be caused by some "reconciliation request quota" being exhausted in the region (in this case europe-north1), as this is the error I can see at the top of the Cloud Run service -view:

Additionally and mostly annoyingly, the Cloud Run dashboard itself does not seem to handle having 8 services deployed, as just sitting on the dashboard view listing the services regularly throws me another error related to some read quotas:

I've tried contacting Google via their recommended "Send feedback" button but have received no reply in ~1wk+ (who knows when I sent it, because they don't seem to confirm receipt).

One option I can do to try and improve the situation is to deploy the "testing" and "production" variants in different regions, however that would be less than optimal, and seems like this is some simple configuration somewhere about the limits. Are there other options for me to consider? Or should I just try to set up some synchronization on these that not all deployments are fired at once?

Optimizing the need to build and deploy all components at once is not really an option in this case, since they have some shared code as well, and when that changes it would still be necessary to support this.


This is an issue with Cloud Run. Developers are expected to be able to deploy many services in parallel.

The bug should be fixed within a few days or couple of weeks.

