Listing all azure vm belonging to particular subnet

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 14:22:09


I want to list all azure vms in a particular subnet. I don't know how to write a PowerShell script for this. I am trying the below but it's not giving the desired output. My desired output- All VMs belonging to subnet having ip should get listed in my text file subnet_VM.txt

$tgtIP = "10.87.xx.xx"
$vms = Get-AzureVM

foreach($vm in $vms)
  $vmIP = (Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $vm.ServiceName  –Name  $vm.Name).IpAddress
  foreach($ip in $vmIP)
    if($ip -like '$tgtIP*')
       $vm.Name > C:\AZURE\subnet_VM.txt

It would be very helpful if I get help on this. Thanks in advance.


Note that in Azure the subnets have a name. So a more elegant solution would be to use a subnet name than the raw IP range. Since that is something you are ultimately trying to achieve, I am including that solution as well.

$vms = Get-AzureVM

$tgtSubnet = "Subnet-1"
foreach($vm in $vms)
    $thisVM = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $vm.ServiceName –Name $vm.Name
    $thisVMSubnet = Get-AzureSubnet -VM $thisVM
    if ($thisVMSubnet -eq $tgtSubnet)
        $output  =$output + "`r`n" + $thisVM.Name 
$output | Out-File C:\Azure\subnet_VM.txt

