Type must be known in this context when using Iterator::sum [duplicate]

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-10 06:19:16


I am trying to implement a trait that models the euclidean distance between 2 points in an n-dim space. The points are represented as Vec<u32>.

pub trait Point {
    fn euclidean_to(&self, other: Vec<u32>) -> f64;

impl Point for Vec<u32> {
    fn euclidean_to(&self, other: Vec<u32>) -> f64 {
            .map(|(xa, xb): (&u32, &u32)| (xa - xb).pow(2))
            .sum() as f64)

Logic tells me that there is no reason for this not to work. As far as I know, the type parser works top to bottom, so all the types should be known. I am using Intellij-Rust and up until the .map(|(xa, xb): (&u32, &u32)| the compiler got the types just fine, at least I believe it did since it was able to figure out and give type hints about (xa, xb) before I explicitly specified the type.

As far as I can see, everything goes downhill when I use sum(). I'm pretty sure I'm missing something since it's pretty unlikely that the type parser wouldn't figure out that the sum of some u32s is another u32 but it still gives the type must be known in this context treatment.

What exactly am I missing?


I recommend checking the documentation for new functions. Iterator::sum is defined as:

fn sum<S>(self) -> S
    S: Sum<Self::Item>, 

This means that it can be called on any iterator when the return type (S) can be created from the items of the iterator.

This conceptually allows an array of i8s to be summed to an i8, an i16, i32, etc. This flexibility comes at a price: you have to specify what type to sum to:


You can also stash the result in an explicitly typed variable:

fn euclidean_to(&self, other: Vec<u32>) -> f64 {
    let x: u32 = self.iter()
        .map(|(xa, xb)| (xa - xb).pow(2))

    (x as f64).sqrt()

This is the exact same as Iterator::collect.

