Does MailboxProcessor just duplicate IObservable?

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-09 10:50:49


I want to process to types of a message

Add x makes program remember number x

Print makes it print all remembered numbers

Why would I write this:

open System
type Message =
    | Add of int
    | Print
let mailbox = new MailboxProcessor<Message>(fun inbox -> 
        let rec loop history = async{
            let! msg=inbox.Receive()
            match msg with
                | Add x -> return! loop(history + x.ToString()+" ")
                | Print ->
                    printfn "%s" history
                    return! loop(history)
        loop ""
let main argv = 
    mailbox.Post(Add 12)
    mailbox.Post(Add 56)
    mailbox.Post(Add 34)
    ignore <| Console.ReadLine()

instead of this:

open System
open System.Reactive.Subjects
type Message =
    | Add of int
    | Print
let subject = new Subject<Message>() 
let main argv = 
        |> Observable.scan(fun history msg -> 
                match msg with
                        | Add x -> history + x.ToString()+" "
                        | Print ->
                            printfn "%s" history
            ) ""
        |> Observable.subscribe(fun _->())
        |> ignore
    subject.OnNext(Add 12)
    subject.OnNext(Add 56)
    subject.OnNext(Add 34)
    ignore <| Console.ReadLine()

The MailboxProcessor adds additional level of complexity. I need a state machine which takes a state and returns a state. But it forces me to take inbox, which is used to receive state.

Does it has any advantages to IObservable?


No, they're not duplicates of one another. MailboxProcessor and IObservable are low-level building blocks of two different models of computation - actor model and functional reactive programming respectively.

Both deal with asynchronicity, but emphasize different qualities. It's might be possible to build your solution in terms of one or the other - as you noticed in your simple example - but you will find one or the other more natural to use in a particular context.

MailboxProcessors are particularly useful for thread-safe, lock-free access to a resource, such as a file. You can have multiple threads manipulating the resource through an asynchronous interface, and the MailboxProcessor guarantees that only one of those requests is processed at a time.

