What is the role of SFU., Janus, mediasoup or medooze. on a webRTC application

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-09 04:23:10


I'm using a webRTC application with a simple-peer npm package.

I want to know what is the purpose of all these topics (SFU., Janus, mediasoup or medooze.) and how can I integrate them to make my application performance greater?

PS: I'm using a node.js server the bundle the requesting and signaling between peers on my architecture. are those servers and services required to make my application performance well?

Hope I could find an answer here ...


With regular webrtc every peer needs to send and receive its data seperately to every other peer. So let's say there are 10 peers that do a video chat. Then every peer has to send their video 9 times simultaneously and also receive 9. Every peer would use a big amount of upload bandwidth which they usually don't have.

SFUs solve this problem by every peer sending only one stream to a mediaserver and letting that server do all the routing to the other peers. This way every peer only sends 1 stream and receives 9. The download max download bandwidth is usually higher than the upload bandwidth.

There is also something called simulcast which automatically switches the quality of depending on the available bandwidth of the peer. I have been able to achieve this with mediasoup.


According to my question on top and many research after, I found that :

SFU is the technology (server-side) that Leads the WebRTC communication:

  • How to Produce (share) the stream between peers.
  • how to Consume this stream of media in the other peers.
  • How the topology-if I could say-that works between PRODUCERS (the ones who share the streaming) and the CONSUMERS.

This is the global idea about it since you have to go deeper for the implementation.

The services I asked about like Mediasoup, Medooze...etc, they are services that implement that technology of SFU.

You could go to one of them and learn how to implement the SFU throw it.

