How to perfectly sync clock app widget with system clock in Android?

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-08 10:40:14


I made a digital clock widget which is using AlarmManager to update the time every 60 seconds.

public void onEnabled(Context context) {
    Log.d("onEnabled","Widget Provider enabled.  Starting timer to update widget every minute");
    AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
    alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC, System.currentTimeMillis(), 60000, createClockTickIntent(context));

The problem is, polling the system time every 60 seconds does not sync my widget time with system time. lets say user adds widget at 6:00:20, my widget shows the time 6:00 and sleeps for 60 seconds, so when system time becomes 6:01:00, my widget needs another 20 seconds to catch up.

Is there a way to do the following ?

  • step 1: get system time and show on widget.

  • step 2: set the first update interval = (60 - current Seconds value).

  • step 3: after first update, set the subsequent update intervals to 60 seconds.


Intercept the ACTION_TIME_TICK broadcast. This broadcast action is sent on every minute change of the local time zone clock.

private BroadcastReceiver receiver;

public void onEnabled(Context context)
    receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent)
            if (intent.getAction().compareTo(Intent.ACTION_TIME_TICK) == 0) {
                // update widget time here using System.currentTimeMillis()

    context.getApplicationContext().registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_TIME_TICK));

public void onDisabled(Context context)
    if (receiver != null)

Further considerations:

  • We could have tried catching the ACTION_TIME_TICK broadcast in the AppWidgetProvider class' onReceive() method (after adding the action to the intent-filter in the manifest) but the documentation states that this broadcast action can only be intercepted by a BroadcastReceiver registered programmatically. Still, this may be worth a try.
  • It is not that using a BroadcastReceiver is "better" than using the AlarmManager. Different approaches are required in different situations, and since the ACTION_TIME_TICK broadcast is sent by the system, why not exploit that ?


This is an old question but using BroadcastReceiver with ACTION_TIME_TICK on Android Oreo and above won't work anymore. An better alternative for API Level 17+ would be to use TextClock which is supported by RemoteViews. Just add something like this in your clock widget layout:

        <!-- You can also easily add custom typefaces -->

The clock should sync automatically with the system clock.

