Broadcastreceiver for a downloaded image

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-08 10:14:51


Basically I want to set a Broadcastreceiver that gets triggered when the user downloads an image into gallery/phone from chrome, facebook, twitter..etc

when the photo is finished downloading , and the actions is triggered, I want access to the downloaded image for extra work such as editing and stuff..!

I'm thinking this can be accomplished by Broadcastreceiver, that listens for the image and then do the actions that needed..!

I've tried to search for action to be added in the Manifest inside the receiver intent-filter , but I don't which one?

       <action android:name="??????"/>

I've read almost all the intent action here, but couldn't find the one..!


Older android versions used

            <action android:name="android.hardware.action.NEW_PICTURE" />
            <data android:mimeType="image/jpeg" />

to get informed that the camera has shot a new photo. I do not know if this get also triggered by a downloaded image.

taken from that adds gps data to jpg

This will not work any more with newer android version.

Not a working solution but some hints how to find a solution.

The android media scanner updates the android internal media database and you can register an image-contentprovder-observer that tells your that media database MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI has changed. you can query then the media db order by last modify date descending. The top rows should be the new images.

