Hide UINavigationController's navigationBar when the root controller is a UIHostingController

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-08 09:10:13


I am struggling to hide the navigationBar, which would properly be hidden if the root controller wasn't a SwiftUI UIHostingController.

I tried the following:

  • Setting navigationController.isNavigationBarHidden = true after creating it, at viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear.

  • Adding both .navigationBarHidden(true) and .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) for the UIHostingController's rootView.

Could it be an Apple bug? I am using Xcode 11.6.

All my attempts together:

class LoginController: UINavigationController, ObservableObject
    static var newAccount: LoginController
        let controller = LoginController()
        let view = LoginViewStep1()
        controller.viewControllers = [UIHostingController(rootView: view)]
        controller.isNavigationBarHidden = true
        return controller
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
        self.isNavigationBarHidden = true

    override func viewDidLoad()

        self.isNavigationBarHidden = true

struct LoginViewStep1: View
    // ...
    var body: some View
        VStack {
            // ...


Here is a solution. Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4

Modified your code:

class LoginController: UINavigationController, ObservableObject
    static var newAccount: LoginController
        let controller = LoginController()
        let view = LoginViewStep1()
        controller.viewControllers = [UIHostingController(rootView: view)]

        // make it delayed, so view hierarchy become constructed !!!
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            controller.isNavigationBarHidden = true

        return controller

struct LoginViewStep1: View
    var body: some View
        VStack {
            Text("Hello World!")

tested part in SceneDelegate

if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
    let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)

    window.rootViewController = LoginController.newAccount

    self.window = window

