Netbeans 11.1 print numbers in Windows's default language

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-08 05:32:07


I am still learning Java using Netbeans 11.1.

My problem is when I try to run a program that should display numbers, I get the numbers printed in Arabic which is my Windows default language.

This is what I get as a result:

I added the line: -J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US to the netbeans.conf file, but that did not solve the problem.

Another solution suggested using scanner.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); but I could not understand how and where to use it. This is my code:

package lesson02;

public class ProvidedVariablesOneStatement {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "Khalid"; name
        int age = 24;
        double gpa = 3.40;
        System.out.printf("%s is %d years old. %s has %f gpa. \n", name, age, name, gpa);

The name is printed in English letters without any problem, but the age and gpa are printed in Arabic numbers. The output is:

Khalid is ٢٤ years old. Khalid has ٣٫٤٠٠٠٠٠ gpa.


To render the numbers in your output using Western Arabic Numerals you just need to explicitly set the Locale appropriately within your application.

Here is a slightly modified version of your program which first displays the information using Eastern Arabic numerals, and then displays the same information using Western Arabic numerals.

package javaapplication18;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

public class JavaApplication18 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String name = "Khalid";
        int age = 24;
        double gpa = 3.40;

        Locale arLocale = new Locale("ar");
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(arLocale);
        System.out.println("Country: " + arLocale.getCountry() + ", Language: " + arLocale.getLanguage());
        System.out.printf("%s is %s years old. %s has %s gpa. \n",
                name, nf.format(age), name, nf.format(gpa));

        Locale usLocale = new Locale("us", "EN");
        nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(usLocale);
        System.out.println("Country: " + usLocale.getCountry() + ", Language: " + usLocale.getLanguage());        
        System.out.printf("%s is %s years old. %s has %s gpa. \n",
                name, nf.format(age), name, nf.format(gpa));

This is what is displayed in the Output window in NetBeans:

Country: , Language: ar
Khalid is ٢٤ years old. Khalid has ٣٫٤ gpa. 
Country: EN, Language: us
Khalid is 24 years old. Khalid has 3.4 gpa. 


  • See the Oracle Java Tutorial for an introduction to locales.
  • See the Javadocs for Locale and NumberFormat for more details.
  • You should also be able to set locale within netbeans.conf, but I chose to do it programmatically to show the effect of switching it dynamically.
  • The Output window in NetBeans must be configured to use a font to support the language you are using for output. Obviously this is not an issue for you.

