Does Java Keytool allow SAN values to have wildcarded DNS names

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-08 03:40:48


According to RFC 2818 (section 3.1) RFC 2459 - It seems to be allowed to have a list of DNS name entries as part of SAN names and cover multiple domains:

SubjectAlternativeName [
  DNSName: localhost
  DNSName: *
  DNSName: *

Using Java keytool application - it doesn't seem to allow SAN entries to have wildcards in DNS names. Does anyone know whether I can use some tricks(!) to do this?


I've run into this problem in the past and worked around it by using OpenSSL to generate CSRs and only using keytool when I have to (importing & exporting certificates and keys).

EDIT: here's tl;dr of what I did

Have a req.cfg file that looks something like this:

req_extensions = v3_req
subjectAltName = @san
DNS.1 = *
DNS.2 =

Then run this:

$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out keypair.csr -keyout keypair.key -config req.cfg

Now that you have your certificate signing request and private key, you can send your CSR to a CA or use OpenSSL to self-sign a certificate using the keypair.csr you just generated. However you do this, let's assume you get a cert that we'll call mycert.crt

You're pretty much done now but the tricky part is that you now need to convert your cert-key pair into a PKCS12 keystore before you attempting to import into your JKS keystore.

openssl pkcs12 -export -name mycertname -in mycert.crt -inkey keypair.key -out keystore.p12
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keystore.jks -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias mycertname

