Using qnx.ui.picker.Picker in mobile Flex Hero project for Blackberry Playbook

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-11-28 01:45:46

First you need to add the swc from the SDK into your Flex Project:

Right click the Project and select Properties, under Flex Build Path, add a SWC and browse to the SDK. ...\Adobe Flash Builder Burrito\sdks\blackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3\frameworks\libs\qnx-screen\qnx-screen.swc

Once you have the swc in the project you can create instances programmatically in the script tag, eg:

import qnx.ui.picker.Picker;
var pick:Picker = new Picker();
var arr:Array = [{label: "day", data:0}, {label: "week", data:1}, {label: "month", data:2}];
pick.dataProvider = new DataProvider([new DataProvider(arr)]);
pick.selectedIndices = [0];

You may need to add a container to your view first, eg add a mx:UIComponent element and then add the picker to that, eg

<mx:UIComponent id="pickerContainer"/>


As I understand, right now we can't use UI components in Flex Mobile project. You can go to: Project - Properties - Flex Build Packaging - BlackBerry Tablet OS and check Include BlackBerry tablet OS libraries in build path, but, you'll get an error:

"Design mode could not load qnx-air.swc. It may be incompatible with this SDK, or invalid. (DesignAssetLoader.CompleteTimeout)"

BlackBerry guys says that it'll be fixed in future release. So right now you can use QNX components only in ActionScript.
