Multiple S3 buckets in the same CloudFront distribution

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-07 12:28:27


I created a Cloudfront distribution with a CNAME with SSL, and I have 2 S3 buckets: one for user uploads, one for product pictures The default bucket is the uploads bucket

I would like to use the same CloudFront for both buckets

So I added the 2 buckets as origins and created a "Behavior", with the path /products/* using my product bucket as origin

My "Behaviors" are :

  1. /products/* to: products bucket (precedence = 0)
  2. Default (*) to: uploads bucket (precedence = 1)

When I go to I get an AccessDenied

The file "78/34.jpg" is present in my products bucket

Files from the other bucket are working fine (ie with upload67.jpg in the uploads bucket)


The pattern /products/* matches all objects in the specified origin bucket that are in a folder called 'products'. So, the key needs to be products/78/34.jpg.

If you create a folder called 'products' inside the products bucket and move the 73/34.jpg file in to it, the url should then work (you might need to invalidate if you recently got a error before creating the folder).


I think you should add access public policy to your products bucket

      "Principal": {
            "AWS": "*"

Make sure you replace bucket in arn:aws:s3:::bucket/* with your bucket name.

