How to install google maps through npm?

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-07 11:16:50


Is there any package available on npm for google maps? Or am I really supposed to paste this

<script src="">

to my index.html and download this js file on every refresh?

This is super annoying, because sometimes I get ReferenceError: google is not defined.


Or am I really supposed to paste this to my index.html and download this js file on every refresh?

Yes. This is the only way to do so. There are some packages to dynamically do this for you, but the behavior is the same.

To reiterate, there is no official package for loading the Google Maps JavaScript for the web environment on NPM. The @google/maps referenced by others is for node only.

Update - 2020/01/17

I wrote @googlemaps/loader to help load the script dynamically and support promises.

google is not defined errors can be avoided by using the callback query parameter when loading the google maps script.


The official google maps package (@google/maps) is for node only. In a browser environment, you need to use an unofficial package or include the official script on your site.

To the ReferenceError problem, make sure the script tag for google maps is above the script tag for your code so that it loads first. If it isn't, your script may run before the google global variable is created.

One unofficial package is google-maps, which can be used in a browser.


The ReferenceError you're getting is likely because you're not calling the library the right way.

In Google's Documentation suggests that you should specify a callback (like initMap) which would be called when the API finishes loading. Anything you need to do with the Map should go within that function so that you ensure the API is loaded and google is already defined.

<script async defer


Yes there are a few packages out there. You can try this one out.

npm - google maps


I came across same problem when I was working with React + TypeScript. Firstly I installed Google Maps SDK with this line;

npm install @google/maps

But TypeScript compiler gave an error, also offered me this line to install;

npm install @types/google__maps

and then it worked.

import { createClient } from "@google/maps"

const googleMaps = createClient({
  key: "YOUR_API_KEY"

